Numerical Study of the Optimal Position of Corona Wires in Two Types of ESP
In recent years, particulate emissions have advanced to the top of the global priority list. Numerous research, both numerical and experimental, have been conducted to explore different corona wires and collecting plate configurations. This study aims to investigate the best location of corona wires arrangements using 3 types of collecting plates; wavy plates (wavyPs), and inverted wavy plates (InvwavyPs), flat plates (FPs) as a reference case. Where, three positions of corona arrangements were modelled with three types of collecting plates via Finite Element Method (FEM).
corona wires, COMSOL multiphysics, electrostatic precipitator (ESP), Finite Element Method (FEM)Published Online
How to Cite
Bani Fayyad, M., Iváncsy, T. “Numerical Study of the Optimal Position of Corona Wires in Two Types of ESP”, Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2025.