Z-Source Inverter Based Motor Drives for Industrial Medium Voltage Application


  • Hanuman Prasad
    ISM Dhanbad
  • Tanmoy Maity
    ISM Dhanbad


This paper presents an application of z-source inverter for industrial medium voltage drives. Z-source inverter based drive has advantages like boosting the output voltage during voltage sag, reducing harmonic distortion and improving the input power factor. Adjustable speed drives (ASD’s) are interrupted due to voltage sag, reducing the manufacturing and financial losses. The medium voltage ac drives are limited to low value of switching frequency because of dynamic losses of the power devices. Using the proposed technique, it can remove those limitations. In this paper, the performance of traditional voltage source inverter is compared to that of z-source inverter for medium voltage drives under different operating conditions. Simulation results show the dynamic performance of z-source inverter based 225KW, 3.3KV induction motor drives during input supply fluctuation. The proposed closed loop control method provides nearly zero steady state speed error at any operating frequency.


Motor drives, z-source inverter, voltage sag, medium voltage drives, PID controller

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How to Cite

Prasad, H., Maity, T. “Z-Source Inverter Based Motor Drives for Industrial Medium Voltage Application”, Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 59(2), pp. 30–35, 2015. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPee.8121


