Formalism for Static Aspects of Dynamic Metamodeling
The viability of any multi-level meta-modeling technology clings on the correct and exact definition of the underlying instantiation concept. Although multi-level instantiation has been well researched and conceptualized, current methodologies mostly limit their scopes to design-time modeling. Hence, state-of-the-art meta-modeling seriously neglects important practical needs of run-time modeling.
In this paper, we present two incarnations of our Dynamic Multi-Level Algebra (DMLA), a modular, semantically correct multi-level meta-modeling formalism consisting of (i) an algebraic ASM foundation, (ii) a flexibly replaceable bootstrap mechanism for defining modelled entities, (iii) a corresponding set of logical validation formulae for establishing instantiation semantics. The expected features of DMLA clearly derive from practical modeling needs so that the resulting mechanism be applicable for both design-time and run-time modeling. The core components of the theory are explained both individually and by comparing their two versions of DMLA. Hence, the aim of this style of presentation is to showcase the balance struck between parsimoniousness and wanted modularity within our semantically correct, practical multi-level meta-modeling approach. A simplified networking model is also included to demonstrate the approach.