Ergonomics as a Social Component of Sustainable Lot-sizing: A Review


  • Sezen Korkulu

    Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1111 Budapest, Bertalan L. u. 7-9. Building L, Hungary

  • Krisztián Bóna

    Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1111 Budapest, Bertalan L. u. 7-9. Building L, Hungary


Lot-sizing has an increased attention in recent years. In the area of production planning and control, this trend has given rise to the development of lot-sizing models that considers sustainability issues besides the optimization of total operational cost. The study is based on tertiary study that is ensured to analyze the total work have been published. The research was conducted by the definition of appropriate keywords for understanding sustainability issues and ergonomics as a social component in lot-sizing. The paper at hand attempts to understand the development of sustainability issues in lot-sizing and ergonomics as a social component in lot-sizing. We observe that studies focusing on all three dimensions of sustainability are comparatively scarce. However, only a few of the studies have been covered the social sustainability aspect. It is observed that studies addressing ergonomics issues are scarce, and more focus is required on the social sustainability impacts along the supply chain and lot-sizing. Most of ergonomic assessment covered relaxation allowance and energy expenditure rate, OWAS, NIOSH and another consideration about ergonomic lot-sizing is the motion types investigated by authors which were picking, storing as a lifting and carrying motions and did not covered pushing, pulling, bending and other hand motions which have positive relationship with work related musculoskeletal disorders. Finally, we propose future directions to extend research on the ergonomics in lot-sizing.


ergonomics, intralogistics, literature review, lot-sizing, social sustainability

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

Published Online


How to Cite

Korkulu, S., Bóna, K. (2019) “Ergonomics as a Social Component of Sustainable Lot-sizing: A Review”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 27(1), pp. 1–8.


