A Novel Model Representation Framework for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems is C-ITS a set of ITS technologies that can provide services supported by the permanent, real time, information circulation among the components of the system. The paper aims to give an overview related to the modelling and evaluation possibilities of cooperative intelligent transportation system and to clarify the definition of the C-ITS and its differences from the regular ITS solutions. The paper introduce a proposed architecture of C-ITS modelling framework by describing C-ITS components, transferred data and its applications.
C-ITS, modelling, architecture, frameworkPublished Online
How to Cite
Obaid, M., Szalay, Z. (2020) “A Novel Model Representation Framework for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 48(1), pp. 39–44. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPtr.13759