Effect of Weight in Motion Detection System on Road Enforcement Network of Hungary


  • Bea Ronay-Tobel
    Károly Ihrig Doctoral School of Management and Business, Debrecen Univeristy, Böszörményi street 138, H-4032 Debrecen, Hungary
    Department of Road Transport Control, Transport Authority of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, H-1357 Budapest, P. O. B. 6., Hungary


After two years of legislative preparation, the introduction of National Dynamic Axle Weight Measurement System was done in 2018. More than 100 control points were deployed in Hungary. This paper aims to present a brief summary of the technological background of a large-scale integration of High Speed WIM systems, and their effect on road usage. Detailed statistical analyses of preliminary results were conducted. The introduction of vehicle in motion dynamic mass measurement system in Hungary had not caused significant changes in road usage in the investigated period on the investigated road segment. The ratio between nationality (domestic or foreign) of heavy road vehicles had not changed due to introduction of vehicle in motion dynamic mass measurement system.


automatic weight enforcement, road usage, by-pass

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

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How to Cite

Ronay-Tobel, B. (2022) “Effect of Weight in Motion Detection System on Road Enforcement Network of Hungary”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 50(3), pp. 299–303. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPtr.14858


