Empirical White Noise Processes and the Subjective Probabilistic Approaches
The paper discusses the identification of the empirical white noise processes generated by deterministic numerical algorithms.
The introduced fuzzy-random complementary approach can identify the inner hidden correlational patterns of the empirical white noise process if the process has a real hidden structure of this kind. We have shown how the characteristics of auto-correlated white noise processes change as the order of autocorrelation increases. Although in this paper we rely on random number generators to get approximate white noise processes, in our upcoming research we are planning to turn the focus on physical white noise processes in order to validate our hypothesis.
empirical white noise processes, system identification, fuzzy-random view and possibility distributions, random number generators, nth order autocorrelationPublished Online
How to Cite
Rövid, A., Palkovics, L., Várlaki, P. (2020) “Empirical White Noise Processes and the Subjective Probabilistic Approaches”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 48(1), pp. 19–30. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPtr.15165