Travel-based Multitasking on Public Transport: An Empirical Research in Hungary


  • András Munkácsy
    Department for Transport Management, Research Centre for Transport Development, KTI Institute for Transport Sciences NLtd., Than Károly utca 3-5, H-1119 Budapest, Hungary
  • Imre Keserű
    Department of Business Technology and Operations (BUTO), Mobility, Logistics & Automotive Technology Research Centre (MOBI), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
  • Miklós Siska
    Department for Transport Management, Research Centre for Transport Development, KTI Institute for Transport Sciences NLtd., Than Károly utca 3-5, H-1119 Budapest, Hungary


On the basis of a survey addressing travel behaviour in 4707 households in Hungary in 2016, activities of passengers (especially on non-local public transport services) are analysed in this paper. Descriptive statistics is applied to provide a general view of household survey results about activities while travelling. K-means clustering is used for the analysis of travel-based multitasking on public transport and chartered commuter bus services. On the basis of one of the very first travel-based multitasking studies in Hungary, we concluded that the prevailing activity is talking to others, followed by relaxing or daydreaming, and listening to music/radio. Based on the outcomes of the clustering of public transport journeys by age of passengers, the main finding is that the use of electronic devices decreases with age and the characteristics of clusters in terms of other activities are diverse.


travel-based multitasking, travel behaviour, public transport, household survey, Hungary

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How to Cite

Munkácsy, A., Keserű, I., Siska, M. (2022) “Travel-based Multitasking on Public Transport: An Empirical Research in Hungary”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 50(1), pp. 43–48.


