Estimation of Queue Length at Signalized Intersection Under Non-Lane Based Traffic Conditions


  • Jatoth Jithender
    Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, 506004 Telangana, Warangal, P.O.B. 0870 246 2730, India
  • Arpan Mehar
    Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, 506004 Telangana, Warangal, P.O.B. 0870 246 2730, India


Excessive queue length is formed at approaches of signalized intersection if demand flow rate exceeds the saturation flow. The analysis of approaching flow at signalized intersections make easier to predict the queue length for avoiding traffic congestion. At congestion level, queue length reaches to maximum, and the traffic flow becomes zero. Measurement of queuing is essential for design and evaluation of traffic flow facilities. The literature review finds various methods for estimating queue length at signalized intersection under homogeneous and heterogenous traffic flow conditions. Traffic flow data was collected at different intersections in Hyderabad city using videography method. The present study determined queue length at approaches of signalized intersection by using the existing methods given in the literature. The results showed the queue length obtained from different methods are failed to match the queue length as observed in the field. Finally, the study developed a multivariable model for predicting queue length by checking the sensitivity of various factors influencing on queue length at the approach of signalized intersections. Further, the model was validated using field data collected at other approaches based on statistical analysis. Statistical evidence confirmed that the queue length estimated from the proposed model well replicates the queue length observed in the field under the given traffic and roadway conditions. The study recommends that the proposed model works well for the signalized intersection operating with a high proportional share (above 30%) of Two-wheeler in the mixed traffic but limited to operating with higher volume conditions.


queue length, signalized intersection, field data, mixed traffic

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How to Cite

Jithender, J., Mehar, A. (2023) “Estimation of Queue Length at Signalized Intersection Under Non-Lane Based Traffic Conditions”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 51(1), pp. 31–39.


