Optimalization of road traffic with the applied of reversible direction lanes


  • Zsuzsanna Bede
  • Géza Szabó
  • Tamás Péter


Optimization of traffic on a large public road network is an undertaking and complex task. Reversible Direction Lane theory is an interesting and special method within this subject. This can completely support the fluctuation or alteration in existing congestional direction of traffic dynamics (time of day, seasonal, etc.) on existing road surfaces. In such case certain subsystems of the main network cease to exist, and subsystems working with new connections take their place. This type of routing therefore changes the system´s structure ,,in an optimal direction´´, but many practical and safety questions arise. A number of studies prove that in areas this method is employed, travel time decreased by 30-40%, waiting time by 40-50%, number of stops by 30-40% compared to previous data. Its benefits were also shown in fuel consumption reduced by 15-25%, harmful substance emission HC by 15-25%, CO by 3-5%, and NO by 8-10%. We may not leave the application of this opportunity out of consideration in a case when a country´s road infrastructure demands considerable developments otherwise.


Reversible lane, road traffic, traffic control

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Bede Zs., Szabó, G., Péter, T. (2010) “Optimalization of road traffic with the applied of reversible direction lanes”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 38(1), pp. 3–8. https://doi.org/10.3311/pp.tr.2010-1.01


