Under the development of quality standards for fuels was the theoretical basis of storage-reduction catalyse with sulphur also examined. Lowering the NOx emission of motor vehicles powered by an Otto-motor with direct fuel injection can be done in the most effective way by the use of a NOx storage catalyst. But sulphur-regeneration shows a strongly negative impact on NOx conversion. In contrast to SCR catalysts sulphur content in exhaust gas can cause here strong detractions in normal operation of the catalysts. An on-board analysator has been developed and built to recognize SO2, H2S and CO2 concentration of the exhaust gas simultaneously both at the test bench and while drive. SO2 and H2S are measured by electro-chemical cells while CO2 concentration is detected optically based on infrared light adsorption. This device gives reliable data about the emission in one second timing during the regeneration phase of the storage catalyst. This system makes NOx storage more manageable, secure and optimised with regard to the increasing notability of the `in-use compliance´.