Riesz Bases in Control Theory


  • Pál Michelberger
  • László Nádai
  • Péter Várlaki
  • István Joó


In this paper we examine the reachable states of motion of a vibrating string, starting from given initial and boundary conditions and driving the string by an appropriate u(t) control force which is an element of a specified function field. The motion is described using Fourier methodology. The convergence of the series expansion is examined for different function classes. This requires spectral-theoretical studies to become acquainted with the asymptotic behaviour of the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues.


vibrating string, Fourier method, Riesz bases

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How to Cite

Michelberger, P., Nádai, L., Várlaki, P., Joó, I. (2002) “Riesz Bases in Control Theory”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 30(1-2), pp. 21–36.


