Budapest - on the way to join the IDIOMA project


  • Katalin Tánczos
  • Péter Rónai


As traffic volume increases continuously, problems appearing in this field need new kind of solutions. Old freight operation methods are often not satisfactory to the needs of new demands. This paper will show the opportunity for the capital Budapest to join the EU project in the fields of city-logistics: `Innovative Distribution with Intermodal Freight Operation in Metropolitan Areas (IDIOMA)´. Summarising the objectives and the general project scope will help to find connection points to the current shape of freight transport in Budapest. Providing, analysing important data, and specifying the stressed fields for logistic operations the paper finishes with the already reached steps of the project assessment contribution.


freight centres, intermodal transport, city logistics, waste management

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Tánczos, K., Rónai, P. (2000) “Budapest - on the way to join the IDIOMA project”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 28(1-2), pp. 91–102.


