An In-depth Statistical Analysis of Driver Speeding Attitudes and Behavior
Speeding, which encompasses driving above the speed limits, is an aggravating factor in the severity of crashes. It has also serious consequences on the environment and energy consumption.
This paper aims to thoroughly investigate the speeding behavior of Jordanian drivers through a comprehensive statistical analysis of driver speeding attitudes and behavior reaching to the most effective interventions and strategies that would mitigate this phenomenon.
Data were collected through distributing a pre-designed questionnaire and receiving a total of 1,049 responses. The Public Security Directorate (PSD) provided the speed-related data.
The collected data were subjected to rigorous statistical analysis including factor analysis, bivariate Pearson's correlation test, bivariate analysis, and multivariate logistic regression analysis.
Based on the outcome of the study, potential measures for reducing speeding that would be both effective and personally acceptable in Jordan are recommended. The dominant measures were mainly law enforcement actions since it is believed that financial disincentives are most effective.