Determination of the Minimum Number of Possible Testing Situations in Autonomous Driving Using Critical Phenomena
The main task of the article is to define the critical minimum number of tests for the dynamics of a traffic node in autonomous driving based on critical phenomena, i.e. the percolation theory. The critical (minimum) number of tests of a node means how we can represent the traffic dynamics of a node with critical, percolating path using a "state-following state" system on the graph. The test cases along the percolation path, i.e., those involved in the formation of the new phase, represent the entire test system and are minimal. In the article we show that only less than 10 of the 640 tests to be performed have to be realized and are representative for release processes.
highly autonomous driving (HAD), critical phenomena, traffic situations, testing, minimizingPublished Online
How to Cite
Kiss, G., Bakucz, P., Szeghegyi, A. (2023) “Determination of the Minimum Number of Possible Testing Situations in Autonomous Driving Using Critical Phenomena”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 51(1), pp. 8–14.