Exhaustive Investigation of the Promises and Perils of Autonomous Mobility Technology


  • Csanád Ferencz
    Department of Automotive Technologies, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Stoczek J. u. 6., 1111 Budapest, Hungary
  • Máté Zöldy
    Department of Automotive Technologies, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Stoczek J. u. 6., 1111 Budapest, Hungary


The technology of autonomous driving systems has the potential to bring significant benefits in terms of safety, mobility, and congestion, as well as land use and energy consumption. In this paper, the authors present both the promises and possible dangers of the large-scale implementation of autonomous vehicle technologies in the current road traffic networks. The effects of autonomous mobility technology are complex and require careful consideration. While there is great potential to transform transportation and offer significant improvements in many areas, there are also risks and challenges that need to be addressed to ensure safe, efficient, and equitable deployment of the technology.


autonomous vehicles, sustainable mobility, vehicle safety, road traffic management, intelligent transportation

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How to Cite

Ferencz, C., Zöldy, M. (2024) “Exhaustive Investigation of the Promises and Perils of Autonomous Mobility Technology”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 52(1), pp. 86–95. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPtr.22573


