Conformity Assessment of a Modernised Locomotive Bogie and Body Connection – Type Tests and Results


  • Sándor Malatinszky
    BME ITS Conformity Assessment Body, BME ITS Nonprofit Zrt., Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem rkp. 3., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary
  • Zoltán Lukács
    Retired mechanical engineer, expert for rolling stock conformity assessment


Referring to the lecture held on 16th Mini-Conference on Vehicle System Dynamics, Identification and Anomalies, Budapest, 5-7 November 2018, the accredited Notified Body started the conformity assessment process of the modernized bogie-locomotive body connection of MÁV-START Class V63 electric locomotives running with Ganz-MÁVAG UFC-type bogies, in 2017. Since the planned modification of the locomotives was delayed, the Conformity Assessment Body could perform the necessary riding quality and noise test in the summer of 2020 instead of September 2018. The study presents the modification carried out on the locomotives, the test procedures, and the test results. The aim and the novelty of the research was to apply the latest developments of the test procedures on a modified, existing rolling stock. The conformity for the new requirement makes challenges for the development of testing even if theoretically a well-known test method is applied. The article gives an example for the application of a classic test method combined with of the new possibilities, that makes unnecessary the use of additional railway test cars.


rolling stock conformity assessment, riding quality tests, noise tests

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Published Online


How to Cite

Malatinszky, S., Lukács, Z. (2025) “Conformity Assessment of a Modernised Locomotive Bogie and Body Connection – Type Tests and Results”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 53(1), pp. 87–93.


