
  • Paul M. Arnoczky


The diagnosis of wheels is becoming more important for the successful carrying out of railway traffic with its increasing security standards. Wheel fiat spot detection plays an important part here because such spots, when rolling, cause severe damage to the rail heads, -heir joints, and waggons. which in turn infringe upon the travelling comfort and, last but not least, burden the environment. The following article is an attempt to describe the historical development of an optimally good functioning system for detecting flat spots. This system makes not only the measurement of impacts (in kN) caused by rolling oval wheels and the length of their flat spots possible, but also the detection of oval wheels in general. Concluding this development, a few confirming measurements have been complied in the appendix.


wheel flat location, impact detector, length detection of the wheel flat, impact detection of the wheel flat, oval wheel detection, detection with only one isolation in the track

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Arnoczky, P. M. (1994) “FLACHSTELLENORTUNG QUO VADIS? ”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 22(3-4), pp. 129–152.


