ДИССИПАЦИЯ В ПЕРФОРИРОВАННЫХ ПЕРЕГОРОДКАХ КАК ФУНКЦИЯ НЕРАВНОМЕРНОСТИ ПОЛЯ СКОРОСТЕИ. Dissipaciâ v perforirovannyh peregorodkah kak funkciâ neravnomernosti polâ skorostej


  • A. Apciauri,
  • M. Keburiâ,


In the paper, the results of the theoretical and experimental investigations into the problems associated with dissipation are described as саrriеd out in connection with blowing through the perforated elements of different construction. The method of determining the optimal bore dimensions is described, as well as the schematic diagram of the constructional layout of the testing equipment applied in the course of experiments is presented.


dissipation, pressure loss of the perforated elements, optimal perforation-bore theory

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How to Cite

Apciauri, A., Keburiâ, M. (1992) “ДИССИПАЦИЯ В ПЕРФОРИРОВАННЫХ ПЕРЕГОРОДКАХ КАК ФУНКЦИЯ НЕРАВНОМЕРНОСТИ ПОЛЯ СКОРОСТЕИ. Dissipaciâ v perforirovannyh peregorodkah kak funkciâ neravnomernosti polâ skorostej”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 20(1), pp. 67–72.


