АВТОМАТИЗАUИЯ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИМ ПОДВИЖНЫМ СОСТАВОМ. Avtomatizaciâ upravleniâ električeskim podvižnym sostavom


  • I. I. Isaev,
  • V. P. Feoktistov,
  • Ů. Ů. Čuverin,


In this paper, the expedience of automation of perspective electric locomotives and trains according to the principle оf the present speed-restriction and current-carlying-capacity оf traction motors is explained. The technical realisation оf this principle is rendered possible bу means оf а two-contour system of minor regulation with functional element bу current task, bу dimension of speed. The method of calculating the system is grounded bу line of simpliftcation assumptions, the necessity of restriction of offset strengthening of functional element to avoid vibration of tractive effort is explained. Information is provided оn the practical utilizatiоn of this system of electric train eр 12 оn the railways of the USSR.

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How to Cite

Isaev, I. I., Feoktistov, V. P., Čuverin, Ů. Ů. (1992) “АВТОМАТИЗАUИЯ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИМ ПОДВИЖНЫМ СОСТАВОМ. Avtomatizaciâ upravleniâ električeskim podvižnym sostavom ”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 20(2), pp. 143–155.


