Mapping Investments for Improvement of Some Rail Hubs in South East Europe
The paper project emphasizes on pilot actions which will improve quality and governance schemes of transport services connecting major rail hubs in South East Europe: Bologna, Venice, Trieste, Ljubljana, Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Thessaloniki, Sofia, Zagreb, Bucharest (the hubs 11 involved in RAIL4SEE project). It presents comparative analyses of these transport hubs. The publication closes with key messages deriving from the whole analysis as regards the future needs of each hub and the necessary investments that can contribute to the development of a seamless passengers’ intermodal public transport network rail based in South East Europe.
Rail hubs, Investments, South East Europe, PassengersPublished Online
How to Cite
Aifadopoulou, G., Morfoulaki, M., Myrovali, G., Pavlov, D. (2014) “Mapping Investments for Improvement of Some Rail Hubs in South East Europe”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 42(2), pp. 103–110.