Systematic Model Simplification Procedure Applied to an Electro- Pneumatic Clutch Model
In this paper a systematic approach is presented for model simplification. The approach is applied for simplifying a detailed dynamic hybrid model of an electro-pneumatic clutch system that was originally developed from first engineering principles. The model simplification is performed by applying simplifying assumptions to the model. The top-down way of traversing the model elements using their hierarchy tree ensures the systematic way of the simplification. With this systematic approach the resulted simplified models preserve the physical meaning of the variables and parameters, while their complexity is decreased significantly.
electro-pneumatic clutch, dynamic hybrid model, systematic model simplification, hierarchical structure of models, variable structure graph of modelsHow to Cite
Szimandl, B., Németh, H. (2014) “Systematic Model Simplification Procedure Applied to an Electro- Pneumatic Clutch Model”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 43(1), pp. 35–47.