How to Choose and When to Start Best ITS Projects That Enhance Logistic Performance?
This paper is dealing with the evolvement of operational research in logistics related to ITS projects. Basically a static model has been introduced by the authors. The model is an extended assigned method. There are more and more quasi-real-time data existing on the changing properties of real world elements and processes due to the less and less cycle time of data collecting. On the other hand volume of the data mapping the real world in more details increased significantly. Therefore ITS projects in logistic has been examined. Later on the model has been partly dynamited.
intelligent transport services, static model, quasi-dynamic model, dynamic modelPublished Online
How to Cite
Török, Ádám, Fedorko, G., Molnar, V., Husaková, N., Csiszár, C. (2017) “How to Choose and When to Start Best ITS Projects That Enhance Logistic Performance?”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 45(1), pp. 8–11.