Self-Organizing Tree Algorithm (SOTA) Clustering for Defining Level of Service (LOS) Criteria of Urban Streets


  • Amit Kumar Das
    Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, India
  • Prasanta Kumar Bhuyan
    Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, India


This study is intended to define the Free Flow Speed (FFS) ranges of urban street classes and speed ranges of Level of Service (LOS) categories. In order to accomplish the study FFS data and average travel speed data were collected on five urban road corridors in the city of Mumbai, India. Mid-sized vehicle (car) mounted with Global Positioning System (GPS) device was used for the collection of large number of speed data. Self-Organizing Tree Algorithm (SOTA) clustering method and five cluster validation measures were used to classify the urban streets and LOS categories. The above study divulges that the speed ranges for different LOS categories are lower than that suggested by Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 2000. Also it has been observed that average travel speed of LOS categories expressed in percentage of free flow speeds closely resembles the percentages mentioned in HCM 2010.


free flow speed, level of Service, global Positioning System, SOTA, cluster validation measures

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

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How to Cite

Das, A. K., Bhuyan, P. K. (2019) “Self-Organizing Tree Algorithm (SOTA) Clustering for Defining Level of Service (LOS) Criteria of Urban Streets”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 47(4), pp. 309–317.


