Iterative Numerical Approximation Technique for 3D Eddy Current Models in Harmonic Regime Based on the Electromagnetic T-Formulation and the Finite Element Method


  • Nabil Benhadda
    Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Abbes Laghrour, Khenchela, PB 1252 Road of Batna, Khenchela, 40004 Khenchela, Algeria
    Laboratory of Electric Traction Systems (LSTE – Batna 2), Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, University Batna 2, Road of Constantine 53, Fésdis, P.O.B 05078, Batna, Algérie
  • Dahmane Hachi
    Laboratory of Development in Mechanics and Materials (LDMM), University of Djelfa, P.O.B 3117, Road of Moudjbara Djelfa, 17000 Djelfa, Algeria
  • Bachir Helifa
    Materials Physics Laboratory, University of Laghouat, BP 37G, Road of Ghardaia 37G Laghouat, 03000 Laghouat, Algeria
  • Bachir Abdelhadi
    Laboratory of Electric Traction Systems (LSTE – Batna 2), Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, University Batna 2, Road of Constantine 53, Fésdis, P.O.B 05078, Batna, Algérie
  • Ibn Khaldoun Lefkaier
    Materials Physics Laboratory, University of Laghouat, BP 37G, Road of Ghardaia 37G Laghouat, 03000 Laghouat, Algeria


In this paper, an iterative numerical approximation technique is used for analyzing the distribution of eddy currents density in conductive materials plates by using the electromagnetic T-formulation and the Biot-Savart law, solved by the finite element method. The proposed approach allows for the meshing of the different parts of the studied system separately, including the sensor and the conductive plate, without the need for an air region. Firstly, this approach reduces the number of unknown variables by avoiding the air region of the system's mesh. Secondly, it simplifies the consideration of the sensor's motion without the need to remesh the system. For this purpose, a calculation code has been developed for solving an electromagnetic three-dimensional non-destructive testing model. This latter permits the resolution of JSEAM # 6 Benchmark problem to validate the proposed method. The impedance variation due to the presence of a defect are evaluated. The obtained results are compared with the experimental ones found in the literature. These results reveal a good agreement, which proves the validity of the proposed method.


eddy currents, 3D finite elements method, T-formulation, T-iterative, non-destructive testing (NDT)

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How to Cite

Benhadda, N., Hachi, D., Helifa, B., Abdelhadi, B., Lefkaier, I. K. “Iterative Numerical Approximation Technique for 3D Eddy Current Models in Harmonic Regime Based on the Electromagnetic T-Formulation and the Finite Element Method”, Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 68(4), pp. 327–334, 2024.


