Sensitivity analysis of instantaneous fuel injection rate determination for detailed Diesel combustion models


  • Sándor Vass
    Department of Automobiles and Vehicle Manufacturing, BME
  • Huba Németh
    Department of Automobiles and Vehicle Manufacturing, BME


This paper will discuss the fundamentals of a detailed injector and injection rate meter simulation model, and their use in a sensitivity analysis of a Bosch rate of injection meter. The Bosch- and Zeuch-methods for instantaneous injection rate measuring are going to be discussed and a practical comparison will be presented.
The injector model is simulating a common rail injector, which will be later used as an input for a detailed Diesel combustion model. The purpose of the injection meter is to validate the injector model.
The influence of geometric parameters showed changes in the calculated instantaneous injection volumetric flow rate, due to the modified pressure waves. These geometric features contain the diameters and length of bench pipes, the size of throttle valve, the positioning of the pressure sensor. From these the best trade off parameter set shall be chosen.


fuel, injection rate, combustion, Diesel, Bosch, Zeuch, method, meter, sensitivity

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

Published Online


How to Cite

Vass, S., Németh, H. (2013) “Sensitivity analysis of instantaneous fuel injection rate determination for detailed Diesel combustion models”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 41(1), pp. 77–85.


